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Water Quality: Does Your Water Contain These Contaminants?

Nusoft Water Systems

Updated: Mar 7, 2020

Water Quality: Does Your Water Contain These Contaminants?

The water in your home is an important part of maintaining your health. We use water for food preparation, to care for our children, and to clean our homes and bodies. It's vitally important that your water is the best possible quality to prevent exposing your loved ones to dangerous chemicals and contaminants. It's always a good idea to know what your water contains so you can treat it appropriately and remove unwanted contaminants.

There are numerous components to water quality, some visible and some invisible to the naked eye. Local water treatment facilities often manage the quality of your water, you put your trust in them to deliver quality water to your home. But all of us have heard the horror stories of when things go wrong, a very recent one being Flint Michigan. Because of these serious problems the unquestionable quality of your homes water has now become the responsibility of the homeowner. NuSoft Water Systems can help you understanding your water better by doing a free water quality test to evaluate your homes water and show you the best options for privately treating your homes water.

The following elements play a part in making up your overall water quality:

PH and Alkalinity - PH is the measure between alkaline and acidic. The values range from 0-14 with 7 being neutral. Our blood tries to maintain a PH level of 7.4. When our bodies become more acidic or have a lower PH we have a loss of energy, get brain fog and get sick more often because viruses and bacteria thrive more in an acidic environment. By keeping our water alkaline we can maintain our energy, focus and good health.

Bacteria Levels - The number of various bacteria living in your water supply are also a major indicator of overall quality. Factors such as water temperature, the distance from the source of water to your home, rainfall, and local sources of contamination can all affect the bacteria levels in your water supply.

TDS – TDS measures the total dissolved solids in your water. Under 500 PPM is considered expectable. The lower the PPM the better the water tastes. Water that’s 500 PPM or more is considered non palatable (doesn’t taste good).

Turbidity - Transparency of the water based on particles suspended in the water. This is a visible and measurable method of observing water quality. Cloudy water is often contaminated and must undergo additional checks for quality.

Algae & Organic Material Concentration - Population of various organic organisms living in your water. This will change based on water quality. If there is organic materials present, the water must undergo additional quality checks.

Contaminants - Mineral, chemical, toxins, medications, and more. Some contaminants are visible and others are not. It is possible to have contaminants in your water that are extremely dangerous but are totally invisible to the naked eye.

Whether you have municipal water or well water, it's important to have it tested so that you fully understand the overall water quality. Almost every natural water supply has contaminants, It's important that you know precisely what's in your homes water supply so you can correctly filter your home water, treat it, and remove those contaminants for clean, clear, great tasting water.

NuSoft Water Systems can help you analyze your home's water and show you the best solutions to properly treat your water so that you have the cleanest and safest water possible for your home.

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